Most Requested

Canada Dental Benefit
Find more information about the Canada Dental Benefit.

Getting the Flu Shot
Anyone can catch the flu. Protect yourself – and others – by learning about the virus and recognizing the symptoms.
Health Services
General Health Directory
Finding Help
- Need help Finding a Doctor, Nurse Practitioner or Specialist?
- Find Local Health Care Options near you.
- Get information and advice about Wait Times in Ontario.
- Get fast, free medical advice through Telehealth Ontario.
Assistive Devices Funding Support
- If you have a long-term physical disability, you can get help paying for equipment and supplies when you qualify for the Assistive Devices Program.
Health Canada
- Find information about Product Recalls and Alerts.
- Access the Drug Product Database.
- Learn more about the Canada Dental Benefit.
Early Childhood Care
Pregnancy & Parenthood
- The Government of Ontario has gathered information to Help Parents understand how to give their children the best possible start.
- Find out if you can receive government-funded Fertility Treatments and how to get started.
- Learn about Newborn screening Ontario and how they can test newborns for treatable diseases that usually show no symptoms in the newborn period.
- The Ontario's Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program, helps parents and newborns find the support they need to start on the right foot.
Infant & Children's Health
- Healthy Smiles Ontario is a free dental program for eligible children and youth 17 and under.
- Learn about the Infant Hearing Program and what services and supports are available if your baby has hearing loss.
- What are Preschool Speech & Language Disorders, and how can I find help?
- Ontario’s Blind – Low Vision Early Intervention Program is designed to give children who are born blind or with low vision the best possible start in life.
The Flu, Vaccines & Immunizations
- Protect, Learn and Recognize the symptoms behind the flu virus.
- Where should I get my Flu Vaccine?
- The flu Vaccine is safe for Kids & During Pregnancy. Find out where you can get the flu vaccine for your child and help protect your family.
- How and When should I get Vaccinated or Immunized? Protect yourself from preventable diseases like measles, tetanus, whooping cough and chicken pox.
Long-Term Care
- What is Long-Term Care?
- How do I Find Long Term Care?
- Learn about the different kinds of Supportive Housing Options.
- Learn about how the Long-Term Care Home Rate Reduction Program helps low-income residents pay for basic accommodation.
- How can I Make a Complaint about a long-term care home?
Mental Health Services
What are Mental Health Services?
- Learn more about Mental Health Services.
- Learn how to identify the Signs and Symptoms of those who may need mental health support.
Mental Health Services
- Bounceback is a free, evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy program that provides guided mental health and self-help support fpr adults and youth 15+ using workbooks, online videos and phone coaching.
- Canadian Mental Health Association (Halton) offers free call-in counselling for anyone 16 or older during stressful and uncertain times.
- ConnexOntario connects adults and frontline workers who are dealing with troubles with mental health, addiction and gambling support.
- Distress Centre Halton provides phone and online support to help people cope with crisis, loneliness and emotional stress.
- Good2Talk is a service that provides confidential support to post-secondary students.
- Wellness Together Canada, connects individuals dealing with to mental health and substance use problems with support, resources and counselling with mental health professionals.
Mental Health Services for Children & Youth
- Kid’s Help Phone, is for Children and Youth, 18 and under, who need to talk to someone about their mental health.
Call 1-800668-6868 for 24/7 virtual, phone and text support. - Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK) provides support for children and families dealing with mental health concerns.
- Woodview Mental Health and Autism Services offer a variety of mental health programs and supports to children and youth who are experiencing anxiety/depression that is causing them to have difficulty at home and school. They offer day treatment, counselling and outreach, intensive treatment, group therapy, and early intervention programs at no cost.
Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
- How can I Apply for OHIP?
- Who Qualifies for OHIP coverage?
- How do I Register my Baby for OHIP?
- Parents of Adopted Children, arriving from another country, can apply for OHIP when their child arrives in Ontario.
- If you are a Spouse or Dependant of a Canadian Forces member, or Reservist currently deployed by the Canadian Forces into active service, you may be eligible for immediate OHIP coverage.
Ontario Drug Benefit Program
- Get help paying for prescription drugs when you qualify for the Ontario Drug Benefit program.
- The Low Income Seniors Co-Payment Drug Program, is an evolution of the Ontario Drug Benefit, geared to helping qualified low-income seniors reduce their deductible even further.
- Find out if your Medication is Covered through the Ontario Drug Benefit program.
- Get help paying for drugs not covered by the Ontario Drug Benefit, through the Exceptional Access Program.
Trillium Drug Program
- If you have high prescription-drug costs – compared to your household income – you might qualify for the Trillium Drug Program.